You can import and export FreeMind and OPML files (a file format used by many outlining applications) or export the mind map as PNG image, TIFF image, PDF, RTF or HTML document. MindNodePro is sold on the App Store for $20 and by direct download. There's an iOS version that currently has its own file format, but the developer promises it will migrate to the MindNode format. MindNode is a small OS X and iOS developer product. MindNode and MindNode Pro are applications designed and developed by Markus Müller. Based in Vienna, Austria, Markus is an independent software developer whose focus lies on designing intuitive and useful software for the Mac and iPhone platform. This on is my todo (Toodledo/Todo.app) list to try.
Update 6/4/11: There's a free trial version of MindNode Pro - limited to 20 nodes. If you drag and drop a file to MindNode it creates a resizable icon shortcut (default size is too big). If you want to create documents, you create then externally and relate them using MindNode. For example, I could related a set of SimpleNote text notes. The documentation is unclear, but i can confirm node names are indexed by Spotlight.
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